Friday, 14 January 2011

My Dressing Table

If there was one thing that i could save in a fire....... This would most certainly be it! I bought it around 18 months ago from a charity shop for £80 and considering most dressing tables now a days cost around £250 its a bargin and no one alse will have this one!!

Design Work

For the first year of college, Garment construction and pattern cutting were a vital part of the course and here are some of the garments which i produced.

Mens lycra t.shirt, sewn using an overlocker.

Women's cropped waistcoat with 3 buttons for fastening.

Back of waist coat.

Design sketches for my final major project.

My final garment - Jumpsuit inspired by Greek Goddess styled dresses.

Front chest detailing.

Detailing around the bottoms of the trousers.

Seam details around the hip area.

Exploring London

Some may think 'What's the obsession with London?' Some may think its too busy and fast, but thats just one of the things i love about it. A trip down there a couple of years ago kicked off my love for the city and here's why......

Harrods, the UK's 2nd largest department store, seller of luxury goods.

Outside Picadilly Circus.

One of the Royal Guards.

London Bridge.

'Ripleys Believe it or not' Swaroski crystal mini cooper.

Ed's Diner Specialist in fast foods

About to watch the amazing show 'Wicked' on west end.

One of the garments in the fashion and textile museum.

At a workshop in the fashion and textile museum.

Explaining my work to the others in the group.

Printmaking Project

This project was all about printing. I looked at dry point prints, lino prints and collograph printing. The starting point for this project was drawing from a still life set up which i found really usefull as i had 3/4 seeions of just drawing from these set ups. I then chose certain images to make into plates for printing, i really liked using the dry point methord as i thought it looked really professional, however i thought that the collograph looked quite messy and childlike.

Front of my sketchbook.

Case studies on different printmaking artists.

Photocopies of a two minute drawing from the still life set ups.

Stick and ik drawing from the still life set up sessions.
Detailed drawing of a flower on the set up.

One of the plants done using graphite.

A tonal piece done on black paper using white chalk, i love this effect and feel i've captured the light really well.

Simple line drawing.

Tonal Piece using hatching and cross hatching.

Mixed media piece using differnt colours.

Quick 2 minute sketches from the still life.

Original ink drawing.

A series of dry point prints.

Lino print on scrap fabric and newspaper, embelished upon using buttons and ribbon.

Take Two Style School

This was an 8 week course al about fashio and confidence building. I learnt bout fashion, makeup, dancing and also got to take part in a photoshoot and a final catwalk at the end of the course.

The makeup workshop.

The acting workshop.

The acting workshop.

Practicing on the catwalk.

The photoshoot

The whole school.

Platinum performed at the final catwalk.

Hosted by galaxys wingman.

Local bands showcased there talent.

The final show.

The end celebration party.

The show was covered by the Messennger and View magazine.

Fabric Manipulation

I really enjoyed this project as it was about using different fabrics to create different techniques. When i had explored a wide range of different techniques i had to choose one final one ad then apply these too a figure of my choice.

The fastening to my sketchbook.
Roulea loops, an easy was to fasten any garment or accessory.

Manipulating loosely woven fabrics. Putting holes in it and taking out threads.

Pleating in new and interesting ways.

Quilting/ Reverse Applique. This is a great way of showing different textures and different colours.

Free machine stitching inspired by Vivienne Westwood shoes.

Basic Quilting.

Hand embroidery with applique. Different stitches including chain stitch, cross stitch, button stitch and french knots.

Frog closures using Bias cord binding.

Cut and slash, done the same way as reverse applique but in lines instead of boxes.

Applied to one of the figures as a dress.